
Interactive piano design based on a defined social scenario

I began this project by defining three social scenarios, one of which I would choose to design within.
I then partnered with another class member and gathered research and created infographics for different data sets. 
I then found an ideal location for the piece that would fit the piano from the orthographic below, and meet other requirements.  I decided to go with a non-intrusive social scenario, as it would allow me to create a two-tiered experience; those inside Clough Commons would be able to hear the music fill the large space, while those outside would be able to see the pulsing lights as they passed by the large window.  The LED lights will be connected to each of the twelve notes in the scales, and will pulse out of the top of the piano as they are played.
I created some renderings of the piano in location, with and without the lights.
Based on my renderings I created a small scale appearance model.
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